

田间小站 田间小站 2022-09-30

在阅读英文内容的时候,你是否会因为作者写的不清不楚而百思不得其解?又或者你写的东西是否会经常被你的读者误解?这很有可能是英语写作时凌乱塞满了填充词(filler words)所致,就好比一张桌子上乱七八糟地堆满了杂物。冗长杂乱的写作将使你的读者难以轻松领会你的意图。


I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.


一、模糊限制语(hedging words)

人们喜欢使用模糊限制语来使自己的语气显得不那么强势,然而一旦使用了之后往往会让你的句子空洞无力。虽然有时候模糊限制语在表达的时候能够体现细微不同的含义,如slightly overweight可以比overweight表达出更精准的含义,但如果你并不需要多这么一层意思的话,用了只会削弱你的文字爆发力。

  • Slightly
    I’m slightly annoyed by Kate’s repeated tardiness.

  • Sort of, Kind of
    Their plan was kind of short-sighted.

  • Rather, somewhat
    The play was rather interesting.

  • Quite
    His car is quite fast.

  • Probably
    We should probably wait to send that email until we have final approval.

  • As a rule
    As a rule, Cats prefer to sleep in warm, comfortable places.

二、介词短语(prepositional phrases)

介词用于表达一个事物与另一个事物的时间或者位置关系,如方位(over the hedge)、时间(since yesterday morning)、地点(at the bank)以及空间(under the stairs)。介词短语就是包含着介词、介词对象以及该对象的修饰词的一组词。

一些介词短语不仅能让句子变得杂乱,甚至还可以使得句子听起来过于正式和古板,就像下面这些惯犯( frequent offenders)。

  • With regard to / In reference to
    I’m writing in reference to about Jimmy’s latest report card.

  • As to whether
    She inquired as to whether asked whether they would have enough silverware for the party.

  • At all times
    Look both ways at all times before proceeding through an intersection.

  • In terms of
    She’s good in terms of writing. She’s a good writer.

  • In the event of
    Please give 24-hours notice in the event of a cancellation to cancel.

  • In the process of
    We’re in the process of moving next week.



  • Due to the fact that / In fact
    Due to the fact that there was a snowstorm Because of the snowstorm, they were closed for the day.

  • Definitely
    I would definitely like to attend the meeting.

  • Has the ability to
    She has the ability to can make great contributions to the program.

  • I believe / In my opinion
    I believe We can make that happen.

  • Needless to say
    Needless to say, James excelled at his job.

  • It’s important to note that
    It’s important to note that Business communication should be clear and concise.

